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Try Kiva for free and empower a woman for International Women's Day

March 8, 2012

Happy International Women’s Day! If you're reading this, you probably already know that one of the most powerful ways to change the world is by investing women. But do all of your friends know? As part of our celebration of women today -- and all month long -- we're excited to offer 4,000 Free Trials. Starting now, new Kiva users can loan $25 at no cost, and see the incredible impact of microfinance firsthand.

This $100,000 Free Trial program, made possible by Dermalogica, is designed to draw in new lenders who are passionate about helping women realize their dreams. So many women around the world have the potential to build businesses, lift their families out of poverty and improve their communities. They simply need access to the right financial tools. To make this a reality, Kiva has launched kiva.org/women, spotlighting the ways women create sustainable change when every day people lend a hand.

To give you just a few examples:

  • Women reinvest the majority of their earnings in their children's future.
  • For every additional year of education a girl gets, she earns 20% more in her career.
  • A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to survive past age five.
Across the board, women invest more in nutrition, education and health. They are also more likely to save money for a rainy day and contribute to the improvement of their homes and communities. When you invest in a woman, she does the rest -- and much more.

Today, consider thanking the women who have made a positive impact on your life by giving them the chance to empower even more women to make a difference. If you're a new user, get started with a Free Trial here. And if you're not, we'd love it if you'd share Kiva's Free Trial opportunity with your friends and family by sending them to kiva.org/women via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Throughout the month, we'll be running features on the blog discussing, appreciating, and spotlighting women from all walks of life -- how they've achieved success, used a loan, and touched others' lives. In the meantime, we'd love to hear your stories about women who have helped and inspired you. Send them to blog@kiva.org.