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The Right to a Life without Violence

November 26, 2010

By: Sarah

Today protesters took to the streets of Lima to draw attention to violence against women. Peru has staggering rates of domestic violence: a report released by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática said that 38.8% of all Peruvian women have suffered from partner violence.

Image courtesy of CMP Flora Tristan.

Marching through historic downtown Lima, the protesters marked the 12th International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The group pictured below is from a domestic violence advocacy organization called Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristan.

At the protest today.

A Kiva field partner in Peru called Manuela Ramos offers comprehensive services like legal aid, health care and, of course, microloans. They are dedicated to empowering Peruvian women through economic development and advocacy. The Kiva field partner I am working with, EDAPROSPO, makes three out of every four microloans to women. When you loan to an entrepreneur in Peru, more times than not you are helping women, specifically, to become more financially independent. And with the ability to leave an abusive partner, Peruvian women move one step closer to lives without violence.

Interested in lending with the organizations mentioned above? Click here for EDAPROSPO and here for Manuela Ramos.

Sarah Benjamin is a Kiva Fellow living in Lima, Peru.

By: Sarah