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New Field Partner: Reaching remote farmers in rural Costa Rica with FUNDECOCA

February 28, 2013

We’re thrilled to announce our new partnership with FUNDECOCA!

Based in Costa Rica, this nonprofit organization offers microlending services to unbanked farmers to expand their crops and supply the region with organic, fresh and healthy produce.

FUNDECOCA is unique among microfinance organizations in northern Costa Rica. Why? It works to form and fund Community Credit Committees (CCCs) that coordinate the organization’s entire lending program. Basically, this allows people who live in these extremely rural communities to decide and have a role in who receives loans and how they repay. This enables FUNDECOCA to reach far more people in need.

FUNDECOCA works to improve living conditions for families located in the communities that own the organization through the organized volunteer work of its members.

People heading to a community credit committee meeting.

Overall, there aren’t very many financial institutions operating in northern Costa Rica. In fact, FUNDECOCA is one of very few micro-lending organizations providing loans in the region. Today, working with 14 communities, it offers a diverse range of loans in different sectors including agriculture, commerce, livestock and more.

The loans offered by FUNDECOCA not only help families grow their businesses and bring in extra income, they also supply households with daily food -- premium organic produce right from their backyard.

Kiva and FUNDECOCA are both committed to expanding opportunity for people in remote areas to improve their quality of life. Both organizations also believe that a small amount of money can make a lifetime of difference.

Kiva is more than happy to partner with FUNDECOCA and help the organization disburse even more agriculture and livestock loans and support borrowers that are generally not reached by any other financial institutions.

If you like organic food and want to promote healthy produce and farmers, then these loans are the right choice for you!

LEND TO A FUNDECOCA PARTNER TODAY! Many lenders are interested in these loans, so we’re sorry if we’re out for now. More are on the way!

Have questions about FUNDECOCA? Send them our way at blog@kiva.org.

Images courtesy of FUNDECOCA.