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Microfinance USA 2011 Conference - Register today!

March 16, 2011

Microfinance USA 2011 Conference - May 23-24, New York City

Join us in May for this great event! Kiva is proud to be co-presenting this year's conference with ACCION USA and Opportunity Fund. Early bird registration discount ends Friday 3/18!

Are you interested in local economic development? Are you passionate about being part of the growing microfinance movement in the U.S. - and interested in learning from industry experts about the impact you can make? If so, this conference is not to be missed. Microfinance USA provides a unique setting for networking and learning from the industry's top practitioners, funders, and researchers.

Topics that will be discussed at this year's conference include:
Understanding the Underbanked Consumer and the Future of Financial Services.
Microfinance: Fair Profits or Plunder?
Promise and Peril of Microfinance Impact Evaluations

Over two days, you can:
Network with leading practitioners and researchers in the U.S. microfinance field
Attend plenary sessions and panels led by the nation's leading microfinance voices.
Deepen your understanding of the challenges facing Microfinance Institutions through case-study analysis.
Experience microfinance first-hand by touring local microenterprises in New York.
Debate current microfinance topics during small group sessions and networking dinners.

Regular Price: $275
Microfinance Professional/Representative of Company, Foundation or Organization: $350
Student Price: $75

We hope to see you there!