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Kiva.org and Dermalogica Launch Microlending Platform joinFITE.org to Fund Women Entrepreneurs

January 6, 2011

By: John

Geena Davis, Eileen Fisher, Nicholas Kristof Among Strategic Partners

In partnership with Dermalogica and strategic partners, today Kiva.org is launching joinFITE.org to provide microloans to women entrepreneurs in low-income regions of the United States and 56 other countries.

A novel aspect of the campaign is its engagement of retail consumers as microlenders. Dermalogica, for example, will contribute $1 every time a consumer goes to the joinFITE.org Web site and enters a code printed on FITE-themed packaging that the company is using for five of its best-selling products. The resulting micro loan is made available to a designated entrepreneur within hours.

"We know the collective impact of consumer action and socially responsible business practices can create sustainable and far-reaching change," said strategic partner and actor Geena Davis. "Together, we can maximize our effort to empower women and girls around the world."

"Empowering women tends to lead to faster economic growth," said strategic partner co-author of Half the Sky and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.

You can learn more about these programs here:
And please join us at http://www.joinfite.org this morning, where we will be premiering a new video showing the power of empowering women to achieve financial independence for themselves and their families:

By: John