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Kiva Scholar: January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012

At Kiva, we value being in tune with the news, research, and latest findings of Microfinance and poverty alleviation, so we are making an effort to bring you more of the latest information on these topics!

In this edition of Kiva Scholar we look at what it means to be client-centric in the field of financial inclusion.

Photo Credit: CGAP Microfinance Blog

source: CGAP Microfinance Blog

What does it mean to have a client focus for a financial institution aiming to serve poor people? Why is client-centric financial inclusion important and how do we achieve it? Alexia Latortue from The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) discusses the importance of these questions and the new found attention this topic is receiving within the microfinance industry.

From the article...
“An exciting dialogue is underway that is leading to a collective agreement that putting clients at the center of all decisions is key. Importantly, we are starting to add texture and detail to what this means. The stakes are high. If we get it right in financial inclusion, perhaps, 10 years from now, the 2010s will be described as The Decade of the Client.”