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Kiva is Thankful!

November 24, 2011

This Thanksgiving Kiva is thankful for...

All the amazing Borrowers who inspire us every day.

Our wonderful and loyal Lenders who help Kiva flourish and grow.

Every generous soul who is giving away Kiva Cards this Holiday Season.

All our hard-working Field Partners who make Kiva possible.

Each and every Kiva Blog and Kiva Fellows Blog reader, Kiva Facebook fan and Kiva Twitter follower.

All our tireless Volunteers, Kiva Fellows and Interns whose energy keeps our heart ticking.

The many organizations and individuals who support Kiva in exceptional ways.

Every person who has ever helped spread the word about Kiva and the transformational power of microfinance.

Kiva is grateful for YOU!

Thank you for everything you do to help us achieve our mission everyday.

Kiva Staff Photo