Here it is: my first blog entry! As I write this, I am putting the finishing touches on my packing and realizing I truly have no idea what to expect! I am in the phase of packing in which I second guess my second guesses and start throwing the unnecessary items back in – I think this can be referred to as panicking! What it comes down to is that no matter how much I have been reading about Uganda and Kampala, I have no real idea what to expect.
However, to say that I am unprepared is a bit preposterous. I recently got back from a (very long) week of training at the Kiva Offices in which they put each fellow through boot camp repeatedly going over what to do and what not to do. However, no matter how much poor acting we did in an attempt to recreate scenarios, the reality is that we were still in San Francisco, with sodas, clean bathrooms, tons of junk food and a nice breeze. I have a feeling Kampala will be slightly different!
So, as my list of “to-dos” dwindles down and I decide to repack that lightweight down jacket and an extra book, I realize I am not losing extra space in my suitcase, but rather gaining some feeling of security – security that I have prepared to the best of my ability and am ready for the adventure that lays ahead even if I do not know what it looks like! I will see you again in Africa….