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How one 7th grader and her Chocolate Spoons are Changing the World

August 20, 2008

It was shaping up to be a normal Thursday afternoon at the Kiva offices in San Francisco. Most of the staff were wrapping up meetings, on the phones, or hanging out with their laptops on couches and at desks. Then the front door buzzer rang and all that changed.

Last Thursday afternoon the Kiva offices were treated to a surprise visit by a very special Kiva lender and her family. This special lender is Emma, a 7th grader who not only has a passion for helping entrepreneurs in the developing world, but who is also an entrepreneur herself.

To raise money for Kiva loans, Emma has started her own (very tasty) enterprise. Using Fair Trade chocolate and her own ingenuity, Emma makes decorated chocolate and marshmallow covered spoons and sells them to friends and family. Lucky for Kiva, Emma brought some of her famous chocolates to share with the Kiva staff. They are delicious! Just ask Kiva engineer Jeremy, Kiva field partner manager Giovanna, or Kiva customer service manager Gerard. According to Emma, the chocolates are even better when stirred into hot chocolate.

Nothing makes Jeremy and Giovanna happier than free Fair Trade chocolate.

The marshmallow says: Kiva Rocks. Gerard thinks Emma rocks too.

To supplement the income from her chocolate spoon business, Emma also earns money for Kiva loans by doing gardening for her neighbors. Emma has been very successful so far – she has already made three substantial Kiva loans! We’re hoping that Emma continues to support Kiva and that her story is as inspirational to you as it is to us.

This is yet another example of how innovative and engaged Kiva Lenders are. We’re so proud to be part of an organization that is supported by such inspiring people. Way to go Emma!


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