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First Annual Educational Community Web Summit

October 30, 2009

We are pleased to announce that on November 6th, 2009, Campus Kiva and High School Kiva will be pairing up to host the first annual Educational Community Web Summit. In addition to fantastic live guest speakers, including Kiva’s President, Premal Shah, and Jonathon Stalls, who is walking from Denver to Maine to support Kiva, we will be hearing from high school and college Kiva chapters nation-wide and microfinance partners in the field. Together, the entire Kiva community will learn about the roles and achievements of clubs and individuals from around the world.

In conjunction with the conference, Campus Kiva will be launching its brand new website, which will feature a discussion forum to continue the international educational dialogue about Kiva and microfinance.

The entire Kiva community is welcome to participate in order to learn more about Campus Kiva and High School Kiva.

RSVP is required to join the call. If you would like to participate please contact Josephine D'Allant at Josephine@campuskiva.org for the call in number.

For questions or further information, or if your chapter would like to submit a video to be included in the conference, please contact Josephine D’Allant at Josephine@campuskiva.org.

We hope you will join us on November 6th!