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Cool New Partners Bring Clean Energy and Food Security to Rural African Communities

August 26, 2014


Supporting Citrus Farmers and Greening the Environment

Who are they?
ASA Initiative is an MFI that provides loans for green energy and agriculture. They give green loans to entrepreneurs to sell clean energy cook stoves that run on waste materials produced by communities. Agricultural loans support citrus farmers in Ghana to expand their farms, hire labor, transport goods to the market, and ultimately increase their household income.

You’ll love them if…you think clean households and productive farmers are the way to a healthy and happy community.

Learn more at www.kiva.org/partners/392


Bringing Renewable Energy to Zambia

Who are they?
Emerging Cooking Solutions aims to increase usage of renewable energy in Zambia with clean energy cookstoves. The switch from charcoal to renewable biofuel reduces deforestation and mitigates the negative health effects of indoor smoke.

You’ll love them if…you support expanding the use of renewable energy.

Learn more at www.kiva.org/partners/417


Improving Food Security and Nutrition

Who are they?
African Connections helps maize farmers in Ghana increase their productivity and improve community food security and nutrition. Before receiving the loan, farmers participate in agricultural practices training and learn how to improve farm management skills to ensure success.

You’ll love them if…you believe in the power of small farmers to improve local economies.

Learn more at www.kiva.org/partners/396