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Bring Kiva Back to School with you!

August 6, 2009

August has finally arrived and we all know what that means, school is right around the corner! But don’t fret; this year Kiva has you covered. While we can’t provide you with shiny new school supplies or a ride back to campus, we can offer you a variety of fun and innovative ways to bring Kiva into the classroom. You can start by checking out our Lending Teams feature and search under the categories drop down bar for your high school, college, or university. If you don’t see your school there, take the initiative and create a team!

Also, be sure to join the Campus Kiva Team or Kiva High School Team for important announcements and updates! If you’re interested in getting more involved and starting a Kiva chapter at your school, visit Campus Kiva or Kiva High School for more information and a Starter Kit to get the ball rolling…these websites are both undergoing a makeover, so keep your eyes peeled for the unveiling of the new and improved editions soon!

Parents, Teachers, and Professors, don’t think we have forgotten about you. The Kiva.org, Campus Kiva, and Kiva High School websites all offer a wealth of information and rich resources including a High School Curriculum and a Professor Resource Guide that allow you to utilize Kiva as an educational tool in a variety of different subjects.

So enjoy these last lazy days of summer and as you start to think about the impending first day of school, think of us too!