A loan helped to buy rice, sugar, detergents, oil, and other products to stock up her store.

Flor Yelexi's story

Flor Yelexi and her family live in Mejía, in Canton Portoviejo, a beautiful place with countryside landscapes, beaches, and delicious and varied cuisine, attracting tourists who visit this lovely city at all times of year.

She is a hardworking woman who seeks to earn her living and thus help her family and provide for her son by herself, since she is mother and father at the same time. And this she can manage to do, only with the help of the loans, and for that she is vary grateful and asks that lenders continue helping her.

She works at a restaurant 4 days a week, for which she receives a monthly salary. But at her house, with help from her mom, they also have a grocery store. There, they sell a wide variety of products. They work every day, always providing the best service to their distinguished customers.

This loan is to buy rice, sugar, detergents, oil, and other products to stock up her store.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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